Jun 10 2008

Waterproof Makeup from Sephora

Published by at 12:49 pm under Beauty and Fashion

I’ve just recently started swimming for the summer and was pretty proud of myself for remembering to switch to waterproof mascara. It’s not just that I want to be wearing mascara while I am swimming but that I really don’t want to have big black lines running down my face.

The more I started thinking about it, the more I wondered if I was missing the boat on other waterproof makeup. Not that I would wear it every time I swim. But I’m thinking about things like our 4th of July party where I will be entertaining for hours and swimming off and on. Or trips to Disneyworld where I anticipate getting wet from rides and “outdoor air conditioning.” It would be great to find some waterproof makeup alternatives for days like that.

I came across a great video made by Sephora. I trust them implicitly because they haven’t steered me wrong yet. What I love about this video is that you actually see the woman getting in and out of the water realistically.

Check out Sephora at Sunshine Rewards to get cash back when you order your waterproof makeup. We usually have some great coupons and free shipping options from them. And don’t forget your SPF!!


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