View Full Version : Posts about daily surveys. Pls Read 1st Post. Updated 7/10/08

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10-06-2007, 04:04 PM
I just got a really long survey about dairy products, then, when I thought I must be close to the end an Internal Error page.



I did that one too, but I did get the congrats page. It was so long. Sorry you didn't get the credit you deserved. :computer:

10-06-2007, 06:33 PM
one today about lowfat icecream novelties and after they got all of my answers - they said I didn't qualify.

Just wonder if these 2 companies are totally worth avoiding and not trying at all.

i just did that one last night, i wont know till monday if i get credit for it

10-06-2007, 06:43 PM
Yes, its has happened to me. I got credit for a survey I didn't think was going to credit and a day later it told me I exceeded my limit.

10-06-2007, 07:43 PM
Has anybody ever been paid for either a Ciao survey or a Goingo (sp?) survey? I went through a long Ciao survey that I thought I completed and then at the end, the final page was in a foreign language.

I've started 2 different Goingo surveys, one today about lowfat icecream novelties and after they got all of my answers - they said I didn't qualify.

Just wonder if these 2 companies are totally worth avoiding and not trying at all.

I did this one (lowfat ice cream) last night too, so won't know til Monday if it credits, but I did get the congrats and exceeded limits page, so I think it should be okay. We'll see.

10-06-2007, 08:14 PM
i can't get one for today. i hate to say it, but i give up for today.
so i will be 5/6

10-06-2007, 08:44 PM
1st time i've had this happen...

signed on today a few minutes ago & tried to take a survey.

Got message that I had exceeded my daily limit:confused:

Has this happened to anyone else (today or otherwise?)

That happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I tried to do a survey and got the message that I had exceeded my limit. I know I hadn't done a survey already for that day. Got credit for one the next day just the same!!:)

10-06-2007, 09:35 PM
i can't get one for today. i hate to say it, but i give up for today.
so i will be 5/6
No Do not give up hope! Give it one last try! its .80 credits on the line....

10-07-2007, 08:59 AM
I've been trying since 7:30 and I just can't get a survey today! I've cleared my cookies but still can't get one. Anyone else?

Off to try again...

10-07-2007, 10:13 AM
I haven't been able to get one for the last 4 or 5 days. I've tried quite a few times a day too, but still can't get one. Please help! I am desperate for the 80 cents a day. I really need that.


Pooh's Pal
10-07-2007, 11:29 AM
I tried on and off all day yesterday till I went into work at 3pm, then tried early this morning (midnight-1AM) and then I've tried again this am (9-11am) and still nothing! My DD is home for the weekend from college and she has tried also this am, and still nothing!! Whats UP with that?? :confused:

10-07-2007, 02:11 PM
I had a hard time getting in on a survey today. I finally was able to get one. But it took awhile.

10-07-2007, 02:12 PM
today again the same message; closed browser & worked fine.

Blessing and Miracle
10-07-2007, 03:06 PM
After several attempts at trying to even see if I qualify to take one, I got one on Ice Cream on a hot summer day . It was fun, but a tad bit long!
Normally, I never get one on Sundays so I was quite happy and would have completed it even it were on automobiles (talking about long and boring).

7/7 Yippieee!!!:cooldance:

10-07-2007, 07:04 PM
Seems they might be looking for teens lately. DD 15, qualified and finished successfully on 1st try 2 days in a row. Todays was fairly quick and easy, less than 10 minutes. Yesterday was way longer.

10-07-2007, 09:17 PM
I just did a survey on electric razors vs blade razors. Got all the way thru then it says it will ask a few media questions. Starts asking what magazine I recently have read then the survey starts all over again. It did this twice so I quit. Here is the link


10-07-2007, 09:19 PM
I've been sitting here an hour, having cleared my cookies, and have used every email address I have and NOTHING! :computer:

10-08-2007, 07:46 AM
Just got kicked out of the pudding survey, guess we don't eat enough.
Off to try for another

The LK 4
10-08-2007, 09:51 AM
I just completed the easiest survey ever for me! :cooldance:

It asked about places I shop for decorative home furnishings and gifts. I think the whole thing took less than one minute! :sunshine:

10-08-2007, 10:20 AM
I just completed the easiest survey ever for me! :cooldance:

It asked about places I shop for decorative home furnishings and gifts. I think the whole thing took less than one minute! :sunshine:

I got that one too. Loved it. Although, I made it last longer than a minute. I wish they were more like that one. :sunshine:

10-08-2007, 11:36 AM
The Flat Earth Crunchy Veggies survey does not credit.

How ironic thay I would take this on Columbus Day and that it would fail to pay me

10-08-2007, 12:30 PM
I just did The Flat Earth Crunchy Veggies survey too. I was wondering if it would credit since I did the whole thing and got the YOU DO NOT QUALIFY Sunshine link. Bummer!! Guess I will have to do another.

10-08-2007, 12:48 PM
Gaaa! I wish I had come here first. I got the Flat Earth non-paying survey too!

10-08-2007, 02:58 PM
Gaaa! I wish I had come here first. I got the Flat Earth non-paying survey too!

I got it and it didn't credit, DH finally got one on loan companies. I thought it didn't credit bc I went through it so fast. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Still burns my butt that they get all the info they're looking for and then you don't qualify! :computer:

10-08-2007, 03:15 PM
The Flat Earth Crunchy Veggies survey does not credit.

How ironic thay I would take this on Columbus Day and that it would fail to pay me

Meaning that you could take another, or you did it before today but it didn't credit today?

I've done a Flat Earth one before, and it did credit, and today DH got a slightly different one (salty rather than sweet like I got before), and it won't let us take another survey...I don't count my surveys until they fully credit, but I have expectations that it will credit b/c we have exceeded our limit.

10-08-2007, 04:57 PM
I did the Flat Earth Veggie Snack today, and got the SR congrats & exceeded limit pages.

10-08-2007, 05:08 PM
http://survey.otxresearch.com/SurveyFrame.aspx?user_id=AYOGAlaR3XFefqLkk4kLQg%3d %3d

This is an OTX one that starts off about tv networks then asks about internet access and comcast. After answering 10-15 min worth of questions, the next screen took me back to the beginning. I answered one page just in case the next was different but no. I closed out and gave up. What a waste of time!

10-08-2007, 05:18 PM
http://survey.otxresearch.com/SurveyFrame.aspx?user_id=AYOGAlaR3XFefqLkk4kLQg%3d %3d

This is an OTX one that starts off about tv networks then asks about internet access and comcast. After answering 10-15 min worth of questions, the next screen took me back to the beginning. I answered one page just in case the next was different but no. I closed out and gave up. What a waste of time!

I have been stuck in a loop with this place all afternoon. I keep getting kicked out and when I click on Take Another Survey it goes back to OTX. THEN...it asks me a few questions and wants my dd (10) to answer questions and thing loads where an animated person talks to her. She answers a couple of questions and then it starts asking about travel..it asks a few questions and then it changes to video games...it asks a few questions about something else and then it kicks me out. This has happened several times now.
I am going to wait a couple of hours and then try again.

10-08-2007, 05:30 PM
got a car on 8/8

10-08-2007, 06:21 PM
Same thing as above. I've tried 3 times. So frustrated right now!!!

http://survey.otxresearch.com/SurveyFrame.aspx?user_id=Iz9YNB5wXpBefqLkk4kLQg%3d %3d

OTX survery starts with credit cards then financial services then travel then video games. An endless loop until it finally doesn't like your answers and says you don't qualify. I bet I've been on over 2 hrs.

OTX should be blown to the moon (can you tell I'm PMSing)


10-08-2007, 06:21 PM
I got that one too. Loved it. Although, I made it last longer than a minute. I wish they were more like that one. :sunshine:

I got the Home Decorations survey, also. Loved it!! Made up for all the trying I did this wkend.:cooldance: 7/8

m 'n c
10-08-2007, 06:47 PM
I have been trying all day and all I can get is OTX surveys. I hate them!!!

10-08-2007, 07:01 PM
http://survey.otxresearch.com/SurveyFrame.aspx?user_id=AYOGAlaR3XFefqLkk4kLQg%3d %3d

This is an OTX one that starts off about tv networks then asks about internet access and comcast. After answering 10-15 min worth of questions, the next screen took me back to the beginning. I answered one page just in case the next was different but no. I closed out and gave up. What a waste of time!

I got this survey twice while trying to qualify for one survey. I guess the second time was the charm as I got the Congrats screen and I am not able to take another survey. This survey was nasty, however. It looped around and around, then asked the same groups of questions over and over. If it weren't for the fact that I've had trouble getting surveys lately, I wouldn't have tried it the second time.:rolleyes:

10-08-2007, 07:08 PM
I did the Flat Earth Veggie Snack today, and got the SR congrats & exceeded limit pages.

I got this as well today.

10-08-2007, 11:00 PM
I have been stuck in a loop with this place all afternoon. I keep getting kicked out and when I click on Take Another Survey it goes back to OTX. THEN...it asks me a few questions and wants my dd (10) to answer questions and thing loads where an animated person talks to her. She answers a couple of questions and then it starts asking about travel..it asks a few questions and then it changes to video games...it asks a few questions about something else and then it kicks me out. This has happened several times now.
I am going to wait a couple of hours and then try again.

Same here. I cycled in and out of the OTX surveys for 2 hours this afternoon. I never qualified and finally gave up. Many hours later I tried again and got a survey with 5 commercials for JCPenneys and Macy's. I usually don't do the surveys with videos because they take forever to load on my dial-up connection. This one took me 1 1/2 hours but hey I earned my .80 for the day! :cooldance:

10-09-2007, 12:00 AM
I tried again and got a survey with 5 commercials for JCPenneys and Macy's. I usually don't do the surveys with videos because they take forever to load on my dial-up connection. This one took me 1 1/2 hours but hey I earned my .80 for the day! :cooldance:

i just took this one and it also took me forever

10-09-2007, 07:57 AM
I keep getting the same OTX survey over and over - never lets me complete it - where did Greenfield go. I'll never get another survey at this rate.

m 'n c
10-09-2007, 09:40 AM
OMG is there anything else besides the freaking OTX loop??? I am so frustrated with the daily surveys right now. I finally was able to escape OTX late last night and get a "normal" greenfield survey and this morning its back to the OTX nightmare. Is anyone else getting around OTX? Is there hope for me? :computer: :computer:

10-09-2007, 09:53 AM
Things that are good to know!! Thank you!

10-09-2007, 09:53 AM
That OTX was the first survey I got this am, which I quickly got out of, but did end up with a Greenfield shopping survey that wasn't completely awful!

10-09-2007, 10:01 AM
I am stuck in their vicious circle too. :computer: Fixing to just give up and I dont normally do that when I want that bonus.

10-09-2007, 10:11 AM
I found it odd to suddenly be in the OTX loop again today, even though I successfully completed one of their surveys yesterday (and got credit). I, too, spent time after time going through their loop de loops and not qualifying. Then I was lucky enough to get one on breakfast cereal. It was short and easy and almost compensated for my frustration level with OTX. If I have to deal with OTX every day, I'm not sure I can continue doing surveys. Up until now, I've had fun....but they are taking the fun out of it and making it more like work. Ugh!:headache:

10-09-2007, 10:27 AM
OTX is terrorizing me!! Make them go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's happening?! :computer:

Debbie Jean
10-09-2007, 10:30 AM
http://survey.otxresearch.com/SurveyFrame.aspx?user_id=AYOGAlaR3XFefqLkk4kLQg%3d %3d

This is an OTX one that starts off about tv networks then asks about internet access and comcast. After answering 10-15 min worth of questions, the next screen took me back to the beginning. I answered one page just in case the next was different but no. I closed out and gave up. What a waste of time!

You were smart to just close it out!

Got that one yesterday and even though it kept repeating, I thought if I just stuck with it, I'd finish.... WRONG! At the end, after 20+ minutes it starting asking for demographics and threw me out saying I didn't qualify :computer: I was able to get another one, though, which did credit so I'm 100% so far for Oct. :cooldance:

10-09-2007, 11:14 AM
I guess the survey fairies were watching my frustration this morning with OTX - I just got a less than 1 minute survey asking about my smoking habits - once I hit that I had quit more than 6 months ago - it took me to the congrats screen. Yippee

10-09-2007, 02:08 PM
OTX is killing me!! I've had internal errors message on 3 of them today, more than half way through. Put the hammer down and step away from the computer:computer:

10-09-2007, 02:12 PM
I had a greefield surver error twice and a could not buffer video error at around 4:30am I will have to try again latter.... those otx seem to be hard.....

10-09-2007, 02:27 PM
I too am in OTX hell. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one, but sorry to hear that you are all suffering with me! I do a survey every day, but after yesterday and now today, I might have to give up trying - I can't deal with the frustration! :computer:

10-09-2007, 03:23 PM
I have also experienced the OTX nightmare yesterday and today. I finally finished one of the OTX surveys on new TV shows that took me an hour to complete. I was really worried that it would crap out or start repeating the same questions after I had been working on it forever, but my hard work finally paid off and I got the sunshine rewards congratulations screen. I have my fingers crossed that I get that .80 credit tomorrow.:rotfl: What I won't do for .80.

10-09-2007, 03:29 PM
At least it wasn't me that was stuck in OTX h***! I never did qualify yesterday for another survey and today I just did one for flat earth veggie snacks that I completed, gave them all my information, and got the dreaded you didn't qualify.

Honestly Tricia, I'm not blaming you at all but I'm getting really tired of wasting 20 mins or more just to find I don't qualify. It seems to be happening more frequently again, at least to me. :(

Having griped, I just got a short one on invisalign :)

10-09-2007, 03:32 PM
Yesterday it was the OTX loop that I finally gave up on. Today, I did a complete survey for those flat earth veggie chips and was told I didn't qualify. I resent giving the survey company all my information and answering a lot of their questions then being told I don't qualify. It seems like fraud and cheating to me.

I'm not mad at you Tricia, just at those companies!

Editing - just got a short one for invisalign :) I feel better now.

10-09-2007, 03:45 PM
I did an OTX on beer today and it credited. Normally those don't, but this one did, and it was pretty easy.

10-09-2007, 04:07 PM
I gave up yesterday. Couldn't qualify for ANYTHING, no matter if it was me trying, DH and I even had my mom try. I was soooo frustrated. I finally got in one, and about 20 minutes in, sure enough, I got an error message.:( So, I am 7/8. I need to take a deep breath and try for today in a little while. It's just I know I will miss 3-4 days later this month when I'm in DL. Which is AWESOME, but I sure want that 5 dollar bonus.

10-09-2007, 05:00 PM
I have been having problems with the OTX surveys. This morning I did one and it said I didn't qualify and I just did another one and same thing. Its so frustrating after you spent a good amount of time answering the questions.

m 'n c
10-09-2007, 05:45 PM
I had an OTX one that I finally qualified for and the damn thing closed the window on me! It was on current movies in the theatre. I was so pissed. Now I'm back to square one.

10-09-2007, 06:01 PM

Sorry, just had to let that out, lol!

After fighting with OTX all day, I finally got one that was not OTX on Iced Tea that took FOREVER and then didn't bring me back to SR. UGH. Not looking good for me today :(

10-09-2007, 06:24 PM
I have had MAJOR survey issues today. I keep OTX surveys that ask me the same questions over and over and then take me back to the no surveys message. I got into one on Target and Macy's commercials and it TOOK FOREVER and then froze up and kicked me out. Frustration is setting in and I have only gotten 1 survey this month so far because of my vacation. I need this one so Im going back to try again!

10-09-2007, 07:17 PM

Sorry, just had to let that out, lol!

After fighting with OTX all day, I finally got one that was not OTX on Iced Tea that took FOREVER and then didn't bring me back to SR. UGH. Not looking good for me today :(
I had the same problem. First I got the runaround from OTX for about 5 rounds. Then got the iced tea survey. Did not take me back to SR. Then the next survey was on frozen appetizers/snacks. This survey was probably 50 pages long with multiple questions. I get sent to the SR page, but it says "Sorry. You did not qualify". Are they kidding me? Those 2 surveys alone took over an hour. I was finally able to get a survey in, but don't ask me what it was about. I am completely burned out on surveys today. Uggghhh.

10-09-2007, 07:42 PM
I have only been a member of SR since August, but I have done a survey almost every day since I became a member. Sometimes it is hard to qualify, but I do not remember having as frustrating a time as recently. Between the OTX surveys (yes, 1 did credit for me, but I got lucky - the rest I didn't qualify for, and there were many) and the surveys that go on and on, then tell you they don't credit, I think Greenfield needs to look at what is being offered. It seems like everyone's frustration level is at max!:computer:

10-09-2007, 07:55 PM
great i am doing the otx now, i wonder if i should try for another ?

10-09-2007, 08:02 PM
Oh, good, shared misery. I've done at least 6 OTX surveys today...and every time I get booted at a certain point or I do 20+ pages to learn I don't qualify. This really stinks. I am so fed up with surveys today!:(

10-09-2007, 08:07 PM
I am in the middle of an OTX right now - it keeps lagging, I keep refreshing and I know it is just going to kick me out. Also, it has no point - the questions are all on different topics and just weird!!!!

10-09-2007, 08:12 PM
I too am struggling tonight. All I get are the OTX surveys and they just do not load. When I do get somewhere w/ one, I find out I do not qualify. I even keep exiting out, but OTX just keeps coming up each time I try.


10-09-2007, 08:17 PM
After about 2 hours of the runaround with OTX, I finally got a greenfield one for Pregnancy Tests. :confused:

m 'n c
10-09-2007, 08:21 PM
I've had the same luck as all of yall today but after much persistence I finally got a 10 minute survey on IHOP.

10-09-2007, 08:48 PM

Sorry, just had to let that out, lol!

After fighting with OTX all day, I finally got one that was not OTX on Iced Tea that took FOREVER and then didn't bring me back to SR. UGH. Not looking good for me today :(

I took the same iced tea on and the same thing happened to me!! It kept asking me questions about brands I said I never buy. It was so frustrating.

It was the third survey I took. The first two were OTX and dumped me.

10-09-2007, 09:05 PM
I hate surveys! I hate OTX!! I hate Greenfield!!!

:computer: :computer: :computer:

10-09-2007, 10:34 PM
I got the Tea one too. It took 4-ever!!! With me it also kept asking me about the ones I do NOT buy.

10-09-2007, 10:41 PM
I did the dang iced tea one and it took FOREVER and then didn't take me back to the congrats page. It's the first one that has just quit on me without taking me back to SR. I kept circling around the OXT ones as well. They weren't loading, I couldn't get back to SR and kept having to close my browser and then go back into SR. VERY frustrating, but my persistence paid off and I got a super easy, fast one for starting your own business. About 1 minute, so fast I could hardly believe it. Have no idea where that came from, but I was mighty glad to get one that took me back to the congrats page. Surveys took my whole evening tonight and now it's time to go to bed! Hope tomorrow's a better survey day for everyone!

10-09-2007, 11:00 PM
I had the same problem. Then the next survey was on frozen appetizers/snacks. This survey was probably 50 pages long with multiple questions. I get sent to the SR page, but it says "Sorry. You did not qualify". Are they kidding me? I am completely burned out on surveys today. Uggghhh.

Oh, yes....this is me right now, and I'm about to throw something at the computer....it took me almost an hour in between getting the kids bathed and ready for bed.


10-09-2007, 11:04 PM
Just finished one after almost 40 active minutes that took me back to SR and said that I didn't qualify.

It was about frozen snacks/appetizers.

Here is one of the URL's from one of the last pages...

http://survey.insightsnow.com/wix/p2960783.aspx?gid=106858_6829_PQDTRGLJ_124_p207561 47_7_3

The title in the window was always this:AA-C-0367 Segmentation

Blah...what a crappy night for surveys.

10-10-2007, 04:52 AM
The last two days have been a nightmare between the OTX run around and the ice tea survey fiasco. I should have known better than to try the ice tea one again. I remember it from last time but I was so happy to not get an OTX survey that I went ahead with it. Thirty minutes later it still didn't take me back to SR. My DH finally got one on starting your own business that lasted five minutes.
Any more days like these and I'm going to have to take a break from the surveys.

10-10-2007, 09:07 AM
I just spent a good 10 minutes on a businessowners type of survey, about financial matters. Got 40% complete and then told me I didn't qualify. Of course, they got all of the info they needed.

EDITED TO SAY: After getting and discarding many OTX (or whatever!) surveys, I got a good one about vodka that only took about 5 minutes! Keep trying!

10-10-2007, 09:11 AM
This morning, instead of being brought back to the SR "Sorry you didn't qualify" page, I was sent to another site's "Sorry you don't qualify" page.:confused:

10-10-2007, 09:22 AM
[QUOTE=Lisaj68;59197]I just spent a good 10 minutes on a businessowners type of survey, about financial matters. Got 40% complete and then told me I didn't qualify. Of course, they got all of the info they needed.

I got that same one and it kicked me out about 40% of the way through also. When I told them who I had my business insurance with!

Debbie Jean
10-10-2007, 10:09 AM
Spent 10 minutes doing an OTX one that was on sports... MLB, NHL, NFL, etc. Like so many others, I have been burned by OTX, so I was suspicious.... and sure enough, it began asking me totally unrelated questions about headaches, arthritis, etc., then booted me out. :computer:

Anyway, I went back in and it immediately sent me to 2 more OTX surveys... I may be a slow learner, but I couldn't click out of there fast enough! :rotfl:

I finally got one on food and household goods packaging, negative and positive experiences... not overly long and went without a hitch. :cooldance:

10-10-2007, 11:31 AM
[QUOTE=Lisaj68;59197]I just spent a good 10 minutes on a businessowners type of survey, about financial matters. Got 40% complete and then told me I didn't qualify. Of course, they got all of the info they needed.

I got that same one and it kicked me out about 40% of the way through also. When I told them who I had my business insurance with!

Same thing happened to me today!

10-10-2007, 11:34 AM
It's so obvious the OTX ones are fraudulent, why can't they just be blocked by SR? Are they coming thru Greenfield? I'm not sure how this all works but it seems like OTX should be banned.

Can anyone give insite?

10-10-2007, 11:57 AM
It's so obvious the OTX ones are fraudulent, why can't they just be blocked by SR? Are they coming thru Greenfield? I'm not sure how this all works but it seems like OTX should be banned.

Can anyone give insite?

I have gotten nothing but OTX today. And not ONE has gone through after answering questions. Glad to know it's not just me.

I even cleared cookies. Still getting them. :(

I'm going to bypass them even if it means not getting a survey today! Thanks for the heads up.

ETA I finally got a Greenfield one about cars. They are out there......just have to be persistent.

Good luck everyone.

10-10-2007, 12:23 PM
thanks to everyone for taking the time to post these results i appreciate the hard work from everyone involved

m 'n c
10-10-2007, 12:29 PM
It's so obvious the OTX ones are fraudulent, why can't they just be blocked by SR? Are they coming thru Greenfield? I'm not sure how this all works but it seems like OTX should be banned.

Can anyone give insite?

They are coming through Greenfield not SR so SR can't block them. The only thing Tricia can do is tell Greenfield about them.

10-10-2007, 01:23 PM
I just did one about travel websites. I was almost done and was asking questions for classification after 20 minutes of doing the survey it booted me saying that I did not qualify.:confused: Very frustrating! Has anyone else had this one?

10-10-2007, 01:57 PM
got one one on sun chips today! 10/10 WOOT!

10-10-2007, 02:01 PM
OTX :computer: :computer: :computer: :computer:

The LK 4
10-10-2007, 02:10 PM
Wish me luck - I'm heading back to the survey page. :rotfl: Like a moth to the open flame.......

10-10-2007, 03:32 PM
Just took a 25 minute one on drinks (ice teas) .. say Thank you at the end and sent me somewhere else saying I had completed it.

Went in to SR and I can still do a survey.. so I guess it didn't credit!!!!!:computer: :computer:

10-10-2007, 04:59 PM
Just took a 25 minute one on drinks (ice teas) .. say Thank you at the end and sent me somewhere else saying I had completed it.

Went in to SR and I can still do a survey.. so I guess it didn't credit!!!!!:computer: :computer:

That happened to me this morning also. :mad: I finally did get another survey, but it was frustrating getting the thank you at the end, but no credit.

10-10-2007, 05:06 PM
Was lucky to get one on pain relievers today. Took about 15 minutes. ANYTHING is better than OTX!

10-10-2007, 05:23 PM
I jusy got one on childrens otc medicines...mainly about Dimetap. It was actually kind of fun.It had some interactive things which made it more fun.

10-10-2007, 05:29 PM
I jusy got one on childrens otc medicines...mainly about Dimetap. It was actually kind of fun.It had some interactive things which made it more fun.

I just did that one, too. It was fun plus I didn't get kicked out.:)

10-10-2007, 06:29 PM
I just got one by Simply Clean Team. Says I am a member of the panel for the next year and eligible for monthly $400 drawing and a grand prize of $1500. I gave them my regular email to send future surveys. Hope that was not a mistake.

Anyone else ever get this one?


10-10-2007, 09:58 PM
Why didn't I pay attention to the complaints about the ice tea - I just did it, it wasn't that bad so I thought why not. Why not is because it doesn't go back to SR and I can try for another survey! Surveys and I are not on the best of terms right now. Greenfield needs to monitor these surveys more carefully.

10-10-2007, 10:01 PM
I got the dreaded ice tea one and took a chance - bad move on my part. I didn't get back to SR and I can try for another survey. Guess no credit for this one either. Discouraging.

10-11-2007, 09:21 AM
I just got one on a new Ocean Spray snack product (I think it's connected to a series of surveys on healthy snacks). I got all the way to the end to the "Thanks for participating in our survey" page but when I got back to SR I got the "Sorry you didn't qualify" message. I tried for another survey and it lets me so I guess that one isn't gonna credit.

10-11-2007, 10:47 AM
I kept bailing out of the otx surveys as soon as they came up. Finally got a Vodka survey that took about 3 minutes and credited

10-11-2007, 12:19 PM
I jusy got one on childrens otc medicines...mainly about Dimetap. It was actually kind of fun.It had some interactive things which made it more fun.

Ugh, I am in the middle of this one and it was going SOOOO well, but now the next page of it won't load. I had such good feelings about this one and I think I'm almost at the end but the page is stuck. :(

10-11-2007, 11:20 PM
I just did a greenfield entertaining/appetizer survey which took well over an hour and did not take me back to the SR congrats page.:computer: No exceeded limit page either, but now can't qualify for anything. Frustrating.

10-12-2007, 12:03 AM
If you should get a survey that takes you to another site for a cleaning your home panel, this survey will not take you back to SR for credit. However, when you try to access another survey, you get the "you've exceeded the daily survey limit" page. So, I'm assuming this survey will credit.

10-12-2007, 01:12 AM
If you should get a survey that takes you to another site for a cleaning your home panel, this survey will not take you back to SR for credit. However, when you try to access another survey, you get the "you've exceeded the daily survey limit" page. So, I'm assuming this survey will credit.
Yeah. I got that 2 days ago. And it did credit.

10-12-2007, 11:24 AM
My first try with a survey today - it is asking me what size panty I wear!!! :eek:

No reports here yet, so I will give it a try and report back!!! :p

ETA: guess too many size 8 butts out there - I didn't qualify! Ended up doing the house cleaning one, no, it didn't go back to SR, but I have exceeded my limit on surveys so hope it credits on Monday!!!

Debbie Jean
10-12-2007, 11:25 AM
My first try with a survey today - it is asking me what size panty I wear!!! :eek:

No reports here yet, so I will give it a try and report back!!! :p


Yes, please tell us... that is toooooooo funny!!

10-12-2007, 12:51 PM
My first try with a survey today - it is asking me what size panty I wear!!! :eek:

No reports here yet, so I will give it a try and report back!!! :p

ETA: guess too many size 8 butts out there - I didn't qualify! Ended up doing the house cleaning one, no, it didn't go back to SR, but I have exceeded my limit on surveys so hope it credits on Monday!!!

LOL!!! Thanks for the giggle!! :rotfl:

10-12-2007, 01:26 PM
Yeah. I got that 2 days ago. And it did credit.

That's good to know bc i was just getting ready to post about it.
I got the housecleaning survey one while I was at work, and when I got the screen saying the credits come from somewhere else etc, I got out of it, but then when I went back to do another it said I exceeded my limit.

Hopefully it does credit on Monday!

PS Thanks for the laugh!!!! I wouldn't have qualified either with a size 8 butt! :rotfl:

10-12-2007, 03:25 PM
Im so confused LOL I kept trying to get a survey today and couldn't get one to let me in. I rested from it for 10 minutes went back to try again and it is telling me I exceeded my limit. I guess Ill try back later and see what happens. I think the surveys are possessed by a poltergeist!

Blessing and Miracle
10-12-2007, 05:08 PM
Why didn't I pay attention to the complaints about the ice tea - I just did it, it wasn't that bad so I thought why not. Why not is because it doesn't go back to SR and I can try for another survey! Surveys and I are not on the best of terms right now. Greenfield needs to monitor these surveys more carefully.

Don't feel bad, I got taken on it today as well. I fogot all about it being on the Surveys to Avoid list, I think I was just too happy not to see an OTX and gave them my undivided attention for an hour, and it didn't take me back to SR:( Oh well, off to take another one.

Pooh's Pal
10-12-2007, 07:12 PM
Im so confused LOL I kept trying to get a survey today and couldn't get one to let me in. I rested from it for 10 minutes went back to try again and it is telling me I exceeded my limit. I guess Ill try back later and see what happens. I think the surveys are possessed by a poltergeist!

Poltergeist! How true!!! :rotfl:
I've been trying for days now..with no luck! My DD just walked and I made her try too...nothing (except for those OTX ones!) I know I shouldn't give up...but come on!! :computer:

Blessing and Miracle
10-12-2007, 07:32 PM
Finally, after trying all day and taking that rip-off one on Ice tea for an hour, several do not qualifies, I got a very very good one on Coke Cola and HEB soda. It took about three minutes and it took me to the confrimation page. I tried again and it said I've already exceeded my limit. I'm so happy because for a while I didn't think I was gonna complete one for today. This one was super easy. I guess it knew I had a rough day with surveys earlier.


10-12-2007, 07:48 PM
YAY!! I finally got one to take LOL it was an OTX on dishwashing liquid and it took me back to SR and when I checked it says exceeded limit. Woohoo!

10-12-2007, 08:37 PM
I didn't qualify for the underware one either. I guess this butt is too fat!

I did get a Neilson one. They said I would watch a brief show. It was a full episode of How I met your mother with commericals. It was forever long. After I answered questions about this show, they showed me some more commericals. I did get back to SR in the end but I wanted to warn you guys that it took me more then 45 min. It was definitely closer to an hour. An the episode was pretty cute.

10-13-2007, 11:23 AM
if you check that kfc box you will get a kfc survey that takes about 6 min. and qualifies. They have security questions in there so take your time.

Blessing and Miracle
10-13-2007, 01:30 PM
I can't beleive it! I got a really easy OTX! It took about five minutes and it was for one of my children to take regarding Cartoons. My son liked it. It took me to the congrats page and when I went back to try again, got the exceeded my limit page. Yahhhhoooo!

I'm 13/13!:cooldance:

10-13-2007, 01:48 PM
13/13 Did the KFC one today.. Not bad but i am not a fan of the ones where you have to type so much of the 1-10 stuff I like to click....

10-13-2007, 01:50 PM
if you check that kfc box you will get a kfc survey that takes about 6 min. and qualifies. They have security questions in there so take your time.

I think there may be more than one survey for KFC, mine took about 20 minutes, had to answer questions, then watch a video, then answer more questions...which were basically all the same questions, just "do you feel diferently now after seeing video" answers.

It was easy, but long. It finished/exceeded limit so I'm not complaining!

10-13-2007, 02:08 PM
Before writing this, I knocked on wood and you'll see why!

Can you believe I actually got through an OTX survey and got the Congratulations message plus I tried to get another and got the exceeded message. This has been a terrible survey month for me - 6 surveys on the 13th and I'd say I've had three that should have credited. Oh well.

10-13-2007, 02:37 PM
I got an OTX survey today on beef. It asked me to bring my 6 year old daughter to the computer to complete the survey, but then the survey was completely over her head. It was a very complex dietary survey in adult language. At the end, it asked questions about cooking and shopping, which I know were intended for an adult. What the heck was that about?

10-13-2007, 06:24 PM
My first try with a survey today - it is asking me what size panty I wear!!! :eek:

No reports here yet, so I will give it a try and report back!!! :p

ETA: guess too many size 8 butts out there - I didn't qualify! Ended up doing the house cleaning one, no, it didn't go back to SR, but I have exceeded my limit on surveys so hope it credits on Monday!!!

Yep...they do like size 8 butts. I got the same one and as soon as I typed in size 8 oty booted me out so quick I think it spun me into a size 6!!!!
I guess they want size 2.

10-13-2007, 06:25 PM
I did finally get an OTX to credit me today

10-13-2007, 08:10 PM
I had a LONG one on video games this morning. I did get credit, but you would think they would quit asking me if I've heard of games I've already said no to! I mean, I have a whopping 5 games for my Nintendo DS for crying out loud! Guess they hadn't gotten too many 25 year old females yet.

10-13-2007, 11:03 PM
Ugh! I just spent way too much time on a gongos pet survey that gave me a server error at the very end!! Avoid that one if you can!

Pooh's Pal
10-14-2007, 12:45 AM
I got an OTX survey today on beef. It asked me to bring my 6 year old daughter to the computer to complete the survey, but then the survey was completely over her head. It was a very complex dietary survey in adult language. At the end, it asked questions about cooking and shopping, which I know were intended for an adult. What the heck was that about?
The question should be...will I get credit for it!! I hope you do..Good Luck!! :)

10-14-2007, 08:16 AM
I just got kicked out of a survery because I don't wear the right size panties!:rotfl:

10-14-2007, 08:59 AM
yeah! got a survey in by 8:54AM this morning.

it was an easy one on digital photo websites. took less than 5 minutes.


10-14-2007, 09:10 AM
Got one on high end Steak Houses today. It was a little annoying, but eventually gave me the Congrats screen.

I think I figured out the OTX business. I think it asks you many different questions trying to qualify for different surveys, instead of one survey at a time. This makes it quite annoying, but I have gotten two to credit so far. Even knowing this, I still cringe whenever I see OTX come up.

10-14-2007, 11:03 AM
I took one on auto part stores that did not credit. Did a very short one about quiznos that did credit

10-14-2007, 11:10 AM
yeah! got a survey in by 8:54AM this morning.

it was an easy one on digital photo websites. took less than 5 minutes.


I got the same one - again, knocking on wood, maybe things are looking up!

10-14-2007, 11:51 AM
ROTFL!! Shame all over you! LOL!! I'm lovin' this!!

10-14-2007, 11:55 AM
I just got kicked out of a survery because I don't wear the right size panties!:rotfl:

I put in size 8 yesterday and got kicked out and size 5 today and got kicked out. I am thinking since there are so many choices for the extra extra large sizes that the jumbo sizes might be what they are looking for! If I get it again I might put in one of the largest sizes just to see!!

10-14-2007, 12:06 PM
Still ROTFL!! I just got booted out of the same panties survey! Wrong size too! Also just did about 13 minutes worth of survey about vacations and the new Harley Museum in Milw. wi.......Gee, I did not qualify ... it was a OTX - I should know better!:rotfl:

10-14-2007, 01:04 PM
I can't get a survey for anything this morning. I'm even starting to think that I would be happy to see an OTX survey.

What is this saying to me?????

:computer: :computer:

10-14-2007, 03:59 PM
LOL - they don't want size 4,6,or 10 panty people either! I did get the vodka one earlier - instead of checking all boxes that apply on the sr page before getting a survey...ex. I am an IT prof., I have a kid aged 6-12, etc., I only checked the vodka box and I got that one right away. I also exited out of 4 OTX surveys today before getting the vodka one - didn't have the time to get booted 4 times! Hang in there!!:sunshine:

10-14-2007, 04:48 PM
I got a short, easy survey on a new dishwashing liquid this afternoon. Only took about 10 minutes and was through something called Princeton Surveys or something like that. I was a little worried that I wouldn't get the sunshine rewards completion page since it opened in a new browser window but everything worked fine. I love it when they go as planned.:sunshine2:

10-14-2007, 05:04 PM
LOL - they don't want size 4,6,or 10 panty people either! I did get the vodka one earlier - instead of checking all boxes that apply on the sr page before getting a survey...ex. I am an IT prof., I have a kid aged 6-12, etc., I only checked the vodka box and I got that one right away. I also exited out of 4 OTX surveys today before getting the vodka one - didn't have the time to get booted 4 times! Hang in there!!:sunshine:

I never even get the vodka box to check :( Can't seem to get anything today... Will keep trying! I'm only at 8 surveys, if my 2 so far this weekend credit.

10-14-2007, 07:07 PM
I got a short, easy survey on a new dishwashing liquid this afternoon. Only took about 10 minutes and was through something called Princeton Surveys or something like that. I was a little worried that I wouldn't get the sunshine rewards completion page since it opened in a new browser window but everything worked fine. I love it when they go as planned.:sunshine2:

I got this one too and finished it but it did not take me back to SR or the congrats page. I was able to take another survey, so for me, this one won't credit. Glad it did for you, but it may not for everyone.

10-15-2007, 10:57 AM
I seriously just had the shortest survey ever. It gave a bunch of cities and asked where I lived and then went to the Congrats page. I got the exceeded limit page when I tried to take another so Woo Hoo!

10-15-2007, 11:05 AM
I got the same one - again, knocking on wood, maybe things are looking up!

just got this one. wow!! it was really easy:D

10-15-2007, 11:26 AM
I seriously just had the shortest survey ever. It gave a bunch of cities and asked where I lived and then went to the Congrats page. I got the exceeded limit page when I tried to take another so Woo Hoo!

Holy Cow!!!! The survey gods must be smiling down on us today!!!! Talk about a 2 second survey!!!

10-15-2007, 11:38 AM
Okay - my survey wasn't as short as that but it was short!! It was for Home Decorating Stores asking if I knew them, shopped at them, when the last time I shopped there, and would I be shopping there more or less, and then I was done!!! Yeah me!!

Great day already on SR!! :cooldance: :cooldance:

10-15-2007, 02:18 PM
praying the survey gods smile on me today- I had rotten luck all weekend long and didn't get one on Sat or Sun. :(

10-15-2007, 04:40 PM
LOL - they don't want size 4,6,or 10 panty people either! I did get the vodka one earlier - instead of checking all boxes that apply on the sr page before getting a survey...ex. I am an IT prof., I have a kid aged 6-12, etc., I only checked the vodka box and I got that one right away. I also exited out of 4 OTX surveys today before getting the vodka one - didn't have the time to get booted 4 times! Hang in there!!:sunshine:

They didn't want a 9 either!

10-15-2007, 05:00 PM
Yikes I got the Neilsen one on tv's!!!!!!!!! Four hundred million questions....but it did credit so I am 14/15

10-16-2007, 08:03 AM
I just did a survey for honey-wheat tostidas, at least I thought I did the survey until I didn't get credit for it. How can these companies legitimately ask all the questions about the product that they do then say you don't qualify for it? I gave them their answers, they have my information, my feedback on the product, then say I didn't qualify. I know others have had the same issues. It's just I was so excited to have gotten a survey in so early in the day!

10-16-2007, 09:31 AM
I did one today on cheeze it bug bites, ugh. Was in it for 15 min and then no credit. Guess they didn't like the fact I said I wouldn't buy them. Now c'mon, who wants to eat anything that looks like a bug or spider.

10-16-2007, 11:00 AM
I got the survey on Polish vodka today!! :cooldance: What a great survey!:sunshine:

10-16-2007, 01:06 PM
i was 15/15 as of yesterday still have to get one today.....

10-16-2007, 01:44 PM
I just did a survey for honey-wheat tostidas, at least I thought I did the survey until I didn't get credit for it. How can these companies legitimately ask all the questions about the product that they do then say you don't qualify for it? I gave them their answers, they have my information, my feedback on the product, then say I didn't qualify. I know others have had the same issues. It's just I was so excited to have gotten a survey in so early in the day!

Were you going super-slow? Through this thread we've figured out that they really pay attention to how fast you are going, and if you are determined to have gone too fast, they don't believe that you thought about the questions, and therefore your answers are invalid.

Or they are sneaky jerks. One of the two. :computer:

10-16-2007, 01:45 PM
sorry if it's already been posted today...but I didn't go back far enough. Any problems with survey credits from yesterday? I still haven't gotten mine.

10-16-2007, 01:55 PM
O got my credit so I am not sure there were problems

10-16-2007, 01:58 PM
awww man....I am so low already, too. I have been having SO much trouble qualifying lately and yesterday I finally got one about a new chip from Lays.

10-16-2007, 02:03 PM
I just got one today so that should make 16/16 WOOT!!! Just Keep Clicking.... Just Keep clicking..........

10-16-2007, 02:07 PM
I got one on whiskey today, but it was NOT as short at the vodka one, still got the congrats page so that's all that matters!


10-16-2007, 03:53 PM
I've been trying really hard to complete survey's for October. I have 5 out of 16 days.

Today, I did 2 survey's. One I spent another 15 minutes on different kinds of drinks, soda, sport drinks, coffee drinks. It makes me so angry when I answer all these questions and then I get, "sorry you don't qualify". I'm sure they don't throw out my answers. I remember starting it at 10:30 and when I looked up it was 10:45 a.m. when I got thrown off.

I started another one and it threw me off after 5 minutes. It was for cars. It didn't like my location.

10-16-2007, 05:04 PM
I just got a great short one on a carpet deodorizer for pets and other smells - short and sweet!

10-16-2007, 06:09 PM
ARG! I was doing so good...9/10...and I haven't had any luck since Oct. 10. Today I went all the way through the Cheetos survey, finished it and I'm still eligible so I guess it didn't take.


10-16-2007, 06:38 PM
I got the Polish Vodka survey today. It was quick and easy. I've been having a tough month, so that one helped a lot!:angel:

10-17-2007, 07:51 AM
Stay away from the morningstar veggie cakes survey - I just spent about 25 minutes looking throught he ad, making suggestions, etc., and then they tell me there are no surveys! GRRRRR.....

10-17-2007, 08:25 AM
Don't do one on nuts you warm up in the microwave. I did the whole thing. It asked the classification questions at the end. It thanked me and then took me back to SR to day "it appeared you didn't qualify for the survey". It took me 20 min. too:(

10-17-2007, 10:15 AM
Don't do one on nuts you warm up in the microwave. I did the whole thing. It asked the classification questions at the end. It thanked me and then took me back to SR to day "it appeared you didn't qualify for the survey". It took me 20 min. too:(

got the same thing! :computer:

Magical JenK
10-17-2007, 10:25 AM
Stay away from the morningstar veggie cakes survey - I just spent about 25 minutes looking throught he ad, making suggestions, etc., and then they tell me there are no surveys! GRRRRR.....

OOoh, I got that one last night & had no problems w/it! HOpe it credits!!

10-17-2007, 12:07 PM
Don't do one on nuts you warm up in the microwave. I did the whole thing. It asked the classification questions at the end. It thanked me and then took me back to SR to day "it appeared you didn't qualify for the survey". It took me 20 min. too:(

I just completed that one and I got the congrats page. :confused: Sorry it didn't go through for you (and DisneyMa).

10-17-2007, 08:24 PM
I had a kind of long one on where I buy pet food. It did credit though so I am 18/17 this month!!! I guess with one extra credit I could take a day off but that 80 cents adds up!!!!

10-17-2007, 08:29 PM
I had a kind of long one on where I buy pet food. It did credit though so I am 18/17 this month!!! I guess with one extra credit I could take a day off but that 80 cents adds up!!!!

I just finished that one! it went back to SR so I'm planning on getting credit too. It was LONG!!!!

10-17-2007, 09:10 PM
I just finished that one! it went back to SR so I'm planning on getting credit too. It was LONG!!!!

got the same one today! yup it was long, glad I read the questions thought, gotta love when they throw in those security questions.

10-17-2007, 09:11 PM
I am 17/17 got one on nuts today!!!

10-18-2007, 12:46 AM
OOoh, I got that one last night & had no problems w/it! HOpe it credits!!

My DH got this survey two days ago and it did credit.

butterfly baby
10-18-2007, 01:21 AM
thanks for this , its a big help!:love:

10-18-2007, 04:02 PM
Don't do one on nuts you warm up in the microwave. I did the whole thing. It asked the classification questions at the end. It thanked me and then took me back to SR to day "it appeared you didn't qualify for the survey". It took me 20 min. too:(

I did that one and did get credit.

I hate to finish a whole survey then get booted out.

10-18-2007, 06:33 PM
I was doing a survey on 'Work Clothes" last night...

It got to a point where it kept looping. When I finished the page and hit next; it told me I had already completed a page and not to hit my back button. Needless to say I had to exit out as it would not go to the next page. 35 minutes of my life I will never get back.

10-18-2007, 06:42 PM
I got one on cell phones today. Luckily, I got the congrats page. However, it took me forever to do, at least 30 or more minutes. Lots of little dots to fill in in multiple columns. AAARRRGGGHHH:computer:

10-19-2007, 11:00 AM
Got one today about microwaves that credited. It took like 2 minutes.
19/19 so far this month

10-19-2007, 11:37 AM
Anyone receive credit for yesterday's survey yet (Oct.18)?

10-19-2007, 11:42 AM
I have not yet. I don't think they have been uploaded yet..:sunshine:

10-19-2007, 11:44 AM
I haven't received mine for yesterday yet either. But I just finished the LONGEST and slowest survey on new watches. It was painful! It was so slowing loading each page and had a bunch of words spelled wrong, kind of strange :confused:

But at least it went through to the congratulations page! :sunshine:

10-19-2007, 11:45 AM
I'm betting there will be an understandable delay in seeing yesterday's surveys post today because the SunshineFamily is on route to Florida for their much deserved vacation.

Hope they have an awesome trip!!! :sunshine:

10-19-2007, 11:48 AM
I haven't received mine for yesterday yet either. But I just finished the LONGEST and slowest survey on new watches. It was painful! It was so slowing loading each page and had a bunch of words spelled wrong, kind of strange :confused:

But at least it went through to the congratulations page!

OMG that one is awful. I am still in it. I swear I have been here for over an hour...:computer: I am finally in the classification questions, praying it goes through the congrats page. I have waaay too much time invested in this one. The pages turtle to load and I usually have no problems with pages. I have also noted tons of misspelled words. :confused: I would avoid this one, if I had known over an hour ago. :rotfl:

10-19-2007, 11:58 AM
so is that watch one really that bad... i think i just started it and the pages are loading like snail mail....

10-19-2007, 12:00 PM
so is that watch one really that bad... i think i just started it and the pages are loading like snail mail....

I would be prepared to get other stuff done while doing that one. I paid all my bills, checked all my email accounts, etc. It is a really slow loading survey.

But at least it works, right? :)

10-19-2007, 12:00 PM
Good news is that it works, thanks i still have the office to watch and then damages...

10-19-2007, 12:04 PM
So people are able to get in and get survey's today? :confused:
Some are still getting the exceed page right?

10-19-2007, 12:07 PM
I would be prepared to get other stuff done while doing that one. I paid all my bills, checked all my email accounts, etc. It is a really slow loading survey.

But at least it works, right? :)

It didn't work for me. It said I completed the survey (after a LONG time) and said click here to go back or click here to take another survey. I clicked for the next survey, and it started a new one. Never did go back to the SR page.

The next three tries were all Ciao surveys (like the watch was), so I closed out of them. Finally did get one today (not Ciao) that took me back to SR!

10-19-2007, 12:11 PM
Ugh Im doing the watch survey now and I swear I have cleaned every room in the house while waiting for the pages to load. I think I just lost 50 minutes of my life I"LL NEVER GET BACK!

10-19-2007, 12:11 PM
It didn't work for me. It said I completed the survey (after a LONG time) and said click here to go back or click here to take another survey. I clicked for the next survey, and it started a new one. Never did go back to the SR page.

The next three tries were all Ciao surveys (like the watch was), so I closed out of them. Finally did get one today (not Ciao) that took me back to SR!

That is so strange how they can work for some of us and then not for others!! :confused: Did you get to the demographic questions at the end? At the end of mine it didn't say anything about the next survey.....that is so weird.

Sorry that you sat through that whole painful thing and then didn't credit :(

10-19-2007, 12:14 PM
This stuff is on the top of my list to talk with Greenfield about in New York in a couple weeks when we go to Adtech. Hopefully we can get this cleared up.

10-19-2007, 12:15 PM
I finally completed my watch survey. On the positive side, I had a phone conversation with my sister, my husband, stupid phone call from telemarketer, got my floors, swept, mopped and vacuumed, got one load of laundry done and the dishes are done and the check book is balanced. All in between the pages loading for that one. :sunshine:

10-19-2007, 12:26 PM
I'm in the stupid watch survey now...
I got bumped out at one point, but was able to reclick on the ciao survey link again and they put me where I had last left it.

I'm hoping it won't last too much longer... but at least I can catch up on posts here while I do the survey...

I love this board!


10-19-2007, 12:33 PM
Its just so slow!!!! I have almost finished watching the office...

10-19-2007, 12:55 PM
This watch survey is llllllllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg!

I've made it to the classification questions...I hope that means it is almost over... this one better credit.


10-19-2007, 12:59 PM
WOW 1 hr in to the watch survey and just to question 32 which of the four watches, i hope its almost over....

10-19-2007, 01:01 PM
you have made it about 2/3 of the way Bryan... keep clicking (and waiting)..

I just finished mine... sigh... when you reach classification you are almost done (real close)


10-19-2007, 01:02 PM
No only 2/3... AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

10-19-2007, 02:04 PM
So people are able to get in and get survey's today? :confused:
Some are still getting the exceed page right?

Yes, I got an exceeded msg. It was a survey about how I felt about my manager/superior. Really fast. I did keep getting what I think was the watch survey everyone was posting about, it was super slow loading. I just kept closing out and trying again. I think it tried to give me that about 8-10 times? Then I unchecked some stuff in my demos and it went to the other survey. Good luck, patience is a virtue :sunshine2: Patience with daily surveys puts a person in the running for sainthood!!!!!

Blessing and Miracle
10-19-2007, 05:21 PM
This was worse than any OTX ever! I wanting them to boot me!:computer:
First, I shouldn't have qualified because I answered it honestly, but since it kept going, I said well, since my son wear unifroms to work maybe I could go ahead and complete it. It was on Uniforms and Work Clothes. It took almost two hours to complete! I stayed in it because I just wanted to get my survey in, but I swear that was the hardest credits I've earned on SR since I've been a member. My wrists are actually hurting from it! After it asked a million questions on work clothes, it started asking me about my hobbies, then what I watch on TV, then what I listen to on the radio, then what magazines I read!!!!!:computer: :computer:

Warning--------What ever you do do not take it!

10-19-2007, 07:21 PM
I just took a really cool survey on skiing - took a long time, too. DAMN!! It didn't go through!! I have to do any one now. :computer:

10-19-2007, 07:33 PM
This was worse than any OTX ever! I wanting them to boot me!:computer:
First, I shouldn't have qualified because I answered it honestly, but since it kept going, I said well, since my son wear unifroms to work maybe I could go ahead and complete it. It was on Uniforms and Work Clothes. It took almost two hours to complete! I stayed in it because I just wanted to get my survey in, but I swear that was the hardest credits I've earned on SR since I've been a member. My wrists are actually hurting from it! After it asked a million questions on work clothes, it started asking me about my hobbies, then what I watch on TV, then what I listen to on the radio, then what magazines I read!!!!!:computer: :computer:

Warning--------What ever you do do not take it!

I got the same one this afternoon after a frustrating time getting any survey. It took me close to an hour, and I agree, it was frustrating. However, I did get the congrats screen.....finally!:computer:

Pooh's Pal
10-19-2007, 07:40 PM
I just did a 30-40 minute survey on Ski Vacations....went on and on..6 parts to it, then on the final page it says CONGRATS!! ...but it did not take me anywhere else, not back to SR page. So I tried to check to see if I had exceeded my limit for the day and it went right through. So, I'm off to do another! :computer:

10-19-2007, 07:51 PM
I just took a really cool survey on skiing - took a long time, too. DAMN!! It didn't go through!! I have to do any one now. :computer:

same thing happend to me awsome survey though.

10-19-2007, 08:05 PM
This was worse than any OTX ever! I wanting them to boot me!:computer:
First, I shouldn't have qualified because I answered it honestly, but since it kept going, I said well, since my son wear unifroms to work maybe I could go ahead and complete it. It was on Uniforms and Work Clothes. It took almost two hours to complete! I stayed in it because I just wanted to get my survey in, but I swear that was the hardest credits I've earned on SR since I've been a member. My wrists are actually hurting from it! After it asked a million questions on work clothes, it started asking me about my hobbies, then what I watch on TV, then what I listen to on the radio, then what magazines I read!!!!!:computer: :computer:

Warning--------What ever you do do not take it!

I got this one this afternoon too. I didn't know it was problem survey, but I had to leave in the middle. I'm just glad it didn't kick me out while I was gone for 3 hours and gave me my credit at the end! I'm not having a very good survey week.

10-19-2007, 10:06 PM
19/19 I hope, will have to wait until Monday to see if it credits....

10-19-2007, 10:31 PM
I just got one that was asking about PC's and Macs. It gave me a page that was read to me about the Macs. Then I got a page that was read to me about PC's. There was no button to click to go on after it was done. I was quite a ways into it too. I tried to link the page here and it tells me that linking to the page is disabled by them. It is a Penn Schoen & Berland Associates survey.

10-19-2007, 10:48 PM
I just got one that was asking about PC's and Macs. It gave me a page that was read to me about the Macs. Then I got a page that was read to me about PC's. There was no button to click to go on after it was done. I was quite a ways into it too. I tried to link the page here and it tells me that linking to the page is disabled by them. It is a Penn Schoen & Berland Associates survey.

Same here. :(

10-20-2007, 12:05 AM
I got the really long skiing survey too. I had a feeling it wouldn't go through and it didn't. Luckily, I got another one about dog treats that seemed to work fine and gave me the SR completion page.

10-20-2007, 01:55 PM
I just got one that was asking about PC's and Macs. It gave me a page that was read to me about the Macs. Then I got a page that was read to me about PC's. There was no button to click to go on after it was done. I was quite a ways into it too. I tried to link the page here and it tells me that linking to the page is disabled by them. It is a Penn Schoen & Berland Associates survey.

I got this one today and didn't have a problem with it. Maybe they fixed whatever the problem was??.

10-20-2007, 02:17 PM
I just got one that was asking about PC's and Macs. It gave me a page that was read to me about the Macs. Then I got a page that was read to me about PC's. There was no button to click to go on after it was done. I was quite a ways into it too. I tried to link the page here and it tells me that linking to the page is disabled by them. It is a Penn Schoen & Berland Associates survey.

I got that one last night. Well, DH did, and I made him stay up to answer the questions.

When we listened to that HUGE thing about windows and then there was nowhere to go, we nearly cried.

I figured it was b/c of my Mac, but unless the others who couldn't go anywhere further were on Macs (or not using IE) that might not be it.

10-20-2007, 02:38 PM
Alright!! Just finished survey 19/20 not toooo long about investment companies!

10-20-2007, 02:55 PM
Just finished what i hope to be 20/20 have to see on Monday!!!! WOOT!!! Almost to that magical 25 bonus mark....

10-20-2007, 04:17 PM
I can't get one today again for some reason, it's telling me I exceeded my daily limit. Same thing happened yesterday until around dinner time before it would let me in to do one.

10-20-2007, 04:24 PM
I got that one last night. Well, DH did, and I made him stay up to answer the questions.

When we listened to that HUGE thing about windows and then there was nowhere to go, we nearly cried.

I figured it was b/c of my Mac, but unless the others who couldn't go anywhere further were on Macs (or not using IE) that might not be it.

I got that one this morning (I have a PC). The "next" button finally does come up after that REEEAALLLLLYYYY long video on windows. When one of the next questions asked what I didn't like about the ad, I typed "too long!" LOL. I finally completed it and got the congrats screen from SR so I'm assuming it will credit. Guess I should try to do another just to make sure I get the "exceeded daily limit" message.

10-20-2007, 06:28 PM
I can't get one today again for some reason, it's telling me I exceeded my daily limit. Same thing happened yesterday until around dinner time before it would let me in to do one.

Aren't surveys based on a 24 hour day, as opposed to one a day? So if you do one at 5:00 on day 1, you can't day another until after 5:00 on day 2?

m 'n c
10-20-2007, 06:39 PM
Aren't surveys based on a 24 hour day, as opposed to one a day? So if you do one at 5:00 on day 1, you can't day another until after 5:00 on day 2?

It was changed recently by greenfield (survey company) so that your day is a calendar day not a 24 hour day. I think someone has said the "day" resets around 3 or 4 am. So if you do one at 10 am today then tomorrow it will reset overnight and you can do one at 9am if you want.

10-20-2007, 06:45 PM
Aren't surveys based on a 24 hour day, as opposed to one a day? So if you do one at 5:00 on day 1, you can't day another until after 5:00 on day 2?
Nope they used to be, but now its per day i think the day switches over at either 12:00am Eastern or Pacific I do not remember which....

So for example you could do a survey at say 5:00PM today and then do one tomorrow at say 6:00AM...


10-20-2007, 06:47 PM
It switches more at around 2 or 3am Pacific time. (though if you're on the west coast and do one after midnight eastern but before the day switches, you won't see credit for another full day, ask me how I know that, LOL)

But I wonder if Greenfield is tweaking it, with all the posts like this I've seen this week!

10-20-2007, 06:49 PM
It switches more at around 2 or 3am Pacific time. (though if you're on the west coast and do one after midnight eastern but before the day switches, you won't see credit for another full day, ask me how I know that, LOL)

But I wonder if Greenfield is tweaking it, with all the posts like this I've seen this week!

Ok, How do you know that....:angel:

10-20-2007, 07:06 PM
thhhppppthh. :) 'cuz I keep doing it, silly! then seeing two credits come through 2 days later.

10-20-2007, 08:31 PM
Yeah I was going to say I've been able to do them at all different times of the day prior to this. Just not sure why I've had this problem the last few days.

10-20-2007, 11:54 PM
Talk about weird!!! I couldn't get one all day, said I exceeded my limit, then of course I try before I'm heading to bed and it lets me in. Thankfully it was a 10 min one on wireless phone service.

I'm wondering if the problems greenfield was expeirencing the other day didn't mess something up in their programming? Meaning now I'm not able to get the survey's until after the 24 hrs from the last time I did them. Last night I know it was late when I got my survey, and here it is again almost midnight and I'm finally able to get in. I bet tomorrow morning i'll get hte exceed limit again. I'm hoping it's just something that happened and maybe they used an old backup that's throwing me off. I didn't start having this problem until Thursday.

Or it could just be me and it doesn't like me and I'm way off base! :computer:

10-21-2007, 01:42 AM
Now, I'm totally confused, lol! Especially since I'm on the west coast. I guess as long as I don't get the limit message, I'm good to go though. Of course, I have to actually qualify first. :computer:

10-21-2007, 02:08 AM
Just finished what i hope to be 21/21 on what i think was red lobster i got one where you just had to view a few commercials and answer a few questions 10 minutes top it was great.... have to see on Monday!!!! WOOT!!! Almost to that magical 25 bonus mark....

10-21-2007, 04:02 AM
I find that the surveys usually reset around 4:00 AM EST. Yesterday, however, I was able to access a new survey at 3:52 AM.

10-21-2007, 10:16 AM
Talk about weird!!! I couldn't get one all day, said I exceeded my limit, then of course I try before I'm heading to bed and it lets me in. Thankfully it was a 10 min one on wireless phone service.

I'm wondering if the problems greenfield was expeirencing the other day didn't mess something up in their programming? Meaning now I'm not able to get the survey's until after the 24 hrs from the last time I did them. Last night I know it was late when I got my survey, and here it is again almost midnight and I'm finally able to get in. I bet tomorrow morning i'll get hte exceed limit again. I'm hoping it's just something that happened and maybe they used an old backup that's throwing me off. I didn't start having this problem until Thursday.

Or it could just be me and it doesn't like me and I'm way off base! :computer:

I got that survey late last night too and I'm also getting the exceeded limit message now. I'll try giving it a few hours and then clearing my cookies. Has that actually worked for anyone else?

10-21-2007, 10:46 AM
did one on outback steakhouse, got thru it and did not qualify. it was long too, then got the red lobster one and it was ok. 21/21 hopefully

10-21-2007, 05:54 PM
I got the Polish Vodka survey today. It was quick and easy. I've been having a tough month, so that one helped a lot!:angel:

The survey helped out a lot...or the Polish Vodka??!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Blessing and Miracle
10-21-2007, 07:07 PM
:cooldance: I got an easy one on my first try today regarding upcoming movies. It was about 10 minutes. I took my time so I wouldn't be booted out.

I'm 21/21:sunshine2:

10-21-2007, 09:29 PM
Maybe I should have tried clearing my cookies earlier to get rid of that exceeded limit message! I can't get one to save my life today and I think I'm going to have to stay at 17 for the month. Today's not looking too good.

10-22-2007, 10:52 AM
I just did one one casual dining restaurants that closed half-way through. :(

10-22-2007, 11:16 AM
I did the casual dining and finished it and it told me that I didn't qualify. Took me about 10 minutes. I answered all the questions and it took me to the classification questions and I answered them and nothing.

10-22-2007, 09:41 PM
If you get one on athelete's foot KEEP IT! LOL nice and short, only took 15 mins (but then again I was browsing the boards inbetween pages)

10-22-2007, 10:11 PM
Yeah i finally got one 22/22 all most to that 25 bonus level WOOT!

10-22-2007, 10:12 PM
I just finally finished a 2 minute one on pizza rolls! Yayyyyyyyyy!

10-23-2007, 01:08 AM
Watch out for a survey on home offices and printers. My DH got through 75% of the survey (progress bar on page) and got booted out.

10-23-2007, 07:43 AM
I just got shafted by an incredibly long coffee survey from Synovate. I worked on it about 30 minutes and was not to 50% yet, then was told there was a problem with my ID or something like that. It was one of the really obnoxious ones that had 20 or 30 questions a page and you had to rate each of the seven places on them. It also had quality-control questions like "gives you $100 with every order." Really annoying. I don't even time to fool with another one now.

10-23-2007, 04:29 PM
Watch out for a survey on home offices and printers. My DH got through 75% of the survey (progress bar on page) and got booted out.

My dh got through that one in about 10 min. I was going to list that as a good survey. I just did one on HDTVs that I thought I had gotten through then I got the "sorry" message. I feel cheated when they get my info and won't give me credit.

10-23-2007, 04:55 PM
I got the HDTV one too and after answering everything got the "Sorry it appears you don't qualify".

10-23-2007, 05:06 PM
I also got kicked out of the hgtv, after answering the questions.

10-23-2007, 05:21 PM
I also got the hdtv one and got kicked out after the classification questions. :computer:

10-23-2007, 05:33 PM
I got the HDTV one too and after answering everything got the "Sorry it appears you don't qualify".

same here, last night i did one on outback and i didnt get credit for it today!!! i hate that

10-23-2007, 07:32 PM
I did one last night and for today it says that I've already exceeded my daily limit. :(

10-23-2007, 08:36 PM
23/23 WOOT!!! almost to 25 bonus level....

10-23-2007, 09:12 PM
same here, last night i did one on outback and i didnt get credit for it today!!! i hate that

Hmm, bc I did the outback one and it credited for me, as did the casual dining one. they were both short and easy survey's for me.


10-23-2007, 09:19 PM
I got credit for both the HDTV and the Outback surveys. It is so weird how they complete for some people and not for other people.

Magical JenK
10-23-2007, 09:33 PM
I got a 3 min one that started w/some odd questions (how long have you been using the internet, how much grocery shopping do you do, are you trying to lose weight, where have you eaten in the last 3 months)..then it ended w/Banquet Pot Pies being recalled & if I knew that....I didn't. But then it was over & I tried again & I got the beautiful "you have exceeded your limit"!! :0)

10-24-2007, 12:26 AM
I tried a survey tonight before going to bed. It was around midnight eastern time and it was on Christmas songs. They want you to listen to 579!!! snippets of Christmas songs and answer three questions on each one that you have heard before!!!!! It was supposed to take an hour and a half to listen to the songs. I did 10 minutes of it just because I was curious to hear some of the songs and it crapped out on song 27. Soo, I'm guessing that this can't possibly be a good use of your time since it takes forever and you might get to song 500 only to have it crap out. Not to mention the fact that I'm guessing it would take two hours minimum for only .80. This could very possibly be the ultimate survey to avoid. You will be there until Christmas just finishing it.:christmas:

10-24-2007, 01:41 AM
[QUOTE=belbook;65872]My dh got through that one in about 10 min. I was going to list that as a good survey. I just did one on HDTVs that I thought I had gotten through then I got the "sorry" message. I feel cheated when they get my info and won't give me credit.[/QUOTE

My DH is striking out lately. Last night he got booted from the printer survey and tonight he got booted from the HDTV survey after answering several pages of questions. I agree with you on feeling cheated after answering the questions. Seems like we've been getting quite a few that get the info they need and then boot you out.

m 'n c
10-24-2007, 09:42 AM
I tried a survey tonight before going to bed. It was around midnight eastern time and it was on Christmas songs. They want you to listen to 579!!! snippets of Christmas songs and answer three questions on each one that you have heard before!!!!! It was supposed to take an hour and a half to listen to the songs. I did 10 minutes of it just because I was curious to hear some of the songs and it crapped out on song 27. Soo, I'm guessing that this can't possibly be a good use of your time since it takes forever and you might get to song 500 only to have it crap out. Not to mention the fact that I'm guessing it would take two hours minimum for only .80. This could very possibly be the ultimate survey to avoid. You will be there until Christmas just finishing it.:christmas:

OMG :eek: I cannot believe they expect people to listen to 500 songs and answer 3 questions on each!!!

I had one last night that I started around 10pm on healthy energy drinks and I got to a page where they had oh 30-40 different types of ingredient mixes listed and gave up. I was suppose to rank each one on a scale of 1-10. I was going to do it but some of the words they were using were over my head and I didn't have enough brain power to sift through it all.

10-24-2007, 11:37 AM
I got a super easy one last night on Outback steakhouse. No credit yet, but it did bring me back to the SR page with the Congrats notice.

10-24-2007, 12:43 PM
Yikes! I just got the Christmas song survey too! 579 songs and 3 questions - I don't think so. Maybe if it paid more than .80!!:rotfl: It should pay atleast $8.00. I got to song number 30 before I decided to call it quits.

10-24-2007, 12:54 PM
I tried a survey tonight before going to bed. It was around midnight eastern time and it was on Christmas songs. They want you to listen to 579!!! snippets of Christmas songs and answer three questions on each one that you have heard before!!!!! It was supposed to take an hour and a half to listen to the songs. I did 10 minutes of it just because I was curious to hear some of the songs and it crapped out on song 27. Soo, I'm guessing that this can't possibly be a good use of your time since it takes forever and you might get to song 500 only to have it crap out. Not to mention the fact that I'm guessing it would take two hours minimum for only .80. This could very possibly be the ultimate survey to avoid. You will be there until Christmas just finishing it.:christmas:

I just got this same one, as soon as it told me it was going to take me 2 hours I got out of it, sorry but that is not worth 80 cents. Besides who has 2 hours to just sit and do that survey, I have Disney planning to do.

10-24-2007, 02:35 PM
Me too! I was just offered it a few minutes ago and closed it when I saw 2 hrs. of listening!

10-24-2007, 02:56 PM
Has anyone who did the Outback survery receive credit for it? I got back tot he confirmation page and today, I see I did not get receive credit. :computer:

Blessing and Miracle
10-24-2007, 03:04 PM
Has anyone been able to get a survey today? I can't even get pass the first page to see if I qualify. I couldn't get one on yesterday either. It kept telling me I've exceeded my limit" and I hadn't even taken one. I only need 3 more for the 25, but at this rate I'm afraid I'm not going to get it. :(

10-24-2007, 03:21 PM
Has anyone been able to get a survey today? I can't even get pass the first page to see if I qualify. I couldn't get one on yesterday either. It kept telling me I've exceeded my limit" and I hadn't even taken one. I only need 3 more for the 25, but at this rate I'm afraid I'm not going to get it. :(

I finally got one and got through it. Tried 3 or 4 times today though, attempting multiple times each go around. I got to the page where you check off your different qualifications, but there would only be like 2 or 3 options to pick from and then there weren't any surveys. I guess that's better than getting the exceeded limit message, but the end result was the same.

I'm having survey issues and now absolutely nothing is crediting either :(

10-24-2007, 03:21 PM
Has anyone been able to get a survey today? I can't even get pass the first page to see if I qualify. I couldn't get one on yesterday either. It kept telling me I've exceeded my limit" and I hadn't even taken one. I only need 3 more for the 25, but at this rate I'm afraid I'm not going to get it. :(

I got a survery today about credit cards.

10-24-2007, 05:05 PM
Me too! I was just offered it a few minutes ago and closed it when I saw 2 hrs. of listening!

Same for me. They need to come up with more than .80 for 2 hours of my time.